සන්න ගැටපද විමර්ශන සහිත චක්කවත්ති සීහනාද සූත්රය (Record no. 10012)
[ view plain ]
016 ## - CALL NUMBER | |
Call No. | 294.3823 CHA |
ISBN | 9555701695 |
041 ## - LANGUAGE | |
Language code of original | Sinhala |
Classification number | 294.3823 |
Item Number | CHA |
100 ## - AUTHOR | |
Author Name | ධර්මශ්රි, කේ. ඒ. සුමිත් |
Relator term | සම්. |
245 ## - TITLE | |
Title | සන්න ගැටපද විමර්ශන සහිත චක්කවත්ති සීහනාද සූත්රය |
260 ## - PUBLISHER | |
Place of Publication | කොළඹ |
Publisher Name | සමයවර්ධන පොත්හල ප්රකාශක |
Year of Publication | දි.නැ. |
Extent (Pages) | [viii], 93 p. |
Dimensions (Size) | 22 cm |
365 ## - PRICE | |
Price | 190.00 |
650 ## - SUBJECT HEADING | |
Subject Heading | සූත්ර පිටකය |
Subject Heading | බුද්ධාගම |
Subject Heading | Buddhism |
Subject Heading | Sutrapitaka |
Koha item type | Lending Books |
Suppress in OPAC | No |
Withdrawn status | Lost Status | Source of classification or shelving scheme | Damaged status | Collection code | Home library | Current library | Shelving location | Date acquired (obtained) | Publisher place | Publisher | Accession Number | Barcode | ISBN | Call Number | Price | Koha item type | Publisher Year |
Dewey Decimal Classification | Lending | Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka | Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka | Lending | 09/13/2018 | Colombo 10 | Samayawardhana | 59050 | 59050 | 9555701695 | 294.3823 CHA | 190.00 | Lending Books | ||||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Lending | Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka | Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka | Lending | 07/17/2002 | Colombo 10 | Samayawardhana | 22953 | 22953 | 9555701695 | 294.3823 CHA | 140.00 | Lending Books | ||||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Lending | Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka | Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka | Lending | 07/17/2002 | Colombo 10 | Samayawardhana | 22952 | 22952 | 9555701695 | 294.3823 CHA | 140.00 | Lending Books | ||||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Lending | Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka | Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka | Lending | 07/24/2013 | Colombo 10 | Samayawardhana | 46278 | 46278 | 9555701695 | 294.3823 CHA | 170.00 | Lending Books | 2001 | |||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Lending | Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka | Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka | Lending | 07/24/2013 | Colombo 10 | Samayawardhana | 46277 | 46277 | 9555701695 | 294.3823 CHA | 170.00 | Lending Books | 2001 | |||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Lending | Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka | Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka | Lending | 10/07/2005 | Colombo 10 | Samayawardhana | 29950 | 29950 | 9555701695 | 294.3823 CHA | 150.00 | Lending Books | 2001 | |||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Lending | Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka | Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka | Lending | 10/07/2005 | Colombo 10 | Samayawardhana | 29951 | 29951 | 9555701695 | 294.3823 CHA | 150.00 | Lending Books | 2001 | |||
Dewey Decimal Classification | Lending | Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka | Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka | Lending | 09/13/2018 | Colombo 10 | Samayawardhana | 59049 | 59049 | 9555701695 | 294.3823 CHA | 190.00 | Lending Books |